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Save 10% off on these select items until May 31, 2023. There is a 2-item limit per product and applies to current stock only. No out-of-stock products can be honored or credited.
The active ingredient in KYBELLA® is synthetic deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the fat beneath the chin, KYBELLA® destroys fat cells, resulting in a noticeable reduction in fullness under the chin. Once destroyed, these cells can no longer store or accumulate fat, so further treatment is not expected once you reach your desired aesthetic goal.
Purchase one vial for $600.00 and receive $200.00 off your 2nd Treatment. Offer good while supplies last and both syringes must be purchased at the first appointment to receive promotional pricing.
The Silhouette InstaLift is touted as the “lunchtime facelift” is FDA-approved for use in the mid-face. This minimally invasive approach uses absorbable sutures with tiny bi-directional cones to lift and suspend the deeper layers of the skin. The suture and cone material are both made of glycolide and L-lactide (PLGA).
Promotional pricing $2,700 for 3 sutures each side. Normally $3,000 (Savings of $300) off through 5/31/23. Suture amounts and results may vary per patient. Consultation is required.
Photo Rejuvenation (IPL)
As the baby boomer generation continues to age, the popularity of aesthetic procedures that aim to turn back the clock continues to skyrocket. Brown spots, broken capillaries and other fallout from photo aging are easy targets for laser systems that use broadband light to repair these defects through a process called photo rejuvenation. Additionally, facial wrinkles can now be treated non-ablatively, contributing to a more youthful appearance. Using relatively low-energy, short-pulse broadband light, imperfections such as erythema of rosacea, superficial telangiectasia, dyschromia, age spots and other discolored signs of photo aging can be gently heated and eliminated, replaced by newer, younger looking skin.
Purchase 1 Photo Rejuvenation (IPL) treatment and receive second one 1/2 off for $675.00.
"Savings valued at $225.00"- Items must be prepaid to receive package price and services completed within 6 months. Offer valid through 5/31/23.
*Additional options- Add Chest or Hands to IPL $250.00 per area or change laser to Pixel Resurfacing $350.00 per area. Treatment times will vary, so please book accordingly.
For aged skin, laser skin resurfacing treatments can remove years of damage in as little as one quick treatment. Patients who present acne scars, fine lines & wrinkles, irregular texture and even sun-induced “blotchiness” or redness can benefit from laser skin resurfacing. Pixel Perfect™ is one of the revolutionary skin treatments from Alma Lasers that offers you the chance to look younger, healthier and let your inner radiance free. The laser treatment can clear years of sun damage such as age spots, fine lines and wrinkles. Pixel Perfect can also shrink the appearance of pores and smooth out acne scars, giving you the soft and flawless skin of years gone by. In other words, Pixel Perfect™ can help transform blotchy, spotted and pockmarked skin into the radiant glow of one’s youth. Ask us how the Pixel is right for you!
Purchase 1 Pixel treatment for $600.00. "Savings valued at $200.00". Offer expires: 5/31/23.
*Additional options- Add Chest or Hands to Pixel Resurfacing $350.00 per area. Treatment times will vary, so please book accordingly.

Purchase all 3 to complete the Perfect Package Plus. “90 days to amazing skin” for $1,330.00. "Savings valued at $300.00”. *Items must be prepaid to receive package price.
1 Perfect Derma Peel with Derma Booster (Chest or Hands included with Peel), 1 Pixel Fractional Laser & 1 IPL (Face/Neck Only on Laser).
*Additional options- Add Chest or Hands to IPL $250.00 per area or change laser to Pixel Resurfacing $350.00 per area. Treatment times will vary, so please book accordingly.
For best results treatments need to be completed within 90 days or results may vary. Offer expires: 5/31/23. Package must be completed within 3 months of purchase for desired results. Prepaid packages expire 1 year from date of purchase.